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This is the order form for strings. Other items I may sell can be requested by email. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about your order. Corrections can only be done by cancelling your order and resubmitting another.

Excalibur’s brace height guide can be found by going to the bottom of Excalibur’s first page - click downloads - at the next page that shows scroll to the bottom and click string & brace height guide or you can click this link

They are rare, but some older Vixens and Exocets have flat risers. Bows with flat risers take a different length string. Flat riser limbs are parallel to each other. Most Exo series bows have limb forward design. If you are in doubt, send me a picture of your bow unstrung from above so that I can see the attitude of your limbs. I do not make Dacron material so I do not make strings for carved tipped bows.

Force 10 colours are; Flo yellow, OD green (dark), brown, grey/silver, flo green, red, black and blue. Sorry, no pictures.

Astroflight colours are; flo yellow, flow orange, flow red, brown, metallic beige, yellow and black. I have this material in limited quantities. Sorry no pictures.

String colors for Micros and the Matrix 405

String colors for Matrix (excluding the 405) and Exo series bows